RECORD uma caracteristica do TKPROF Este é um pequeno artigo sobre a opção RECORD do TKPROF, que é extremamente útil para capturar e armazenar declarações não recursivos de SQL em ordem de execução do arquivo de trace. Tramadol Online Pay With Mastercard Sintaxe do TKPROF: Usage: tkprof tracefile outputfile [explain= ] [table= ] [print= ] [insert= ] [sys= ] [sort= ] table=schema.tablename Use 'schema.tablename' with 'explain=' option. explain=user/password Connect to ORACLE and issue EXPLAIN PLAN. print=integer List only the first 'integer' SQL statements. aggregate=yes|no insert=filename List SQL statements and data inside INSERT statements. sys=no TKPROF does not list SQL statements run as user SYS. record=filename Record non-recursive statements found in the trace file. waits=yes|no Record summary for any wait events found in the trace file. sort=option Set of zero or more of the following sort options: prscnt number of times parse was called prscpu cpu time parsing prsela elapsed time parsing prsdsk number of disk reads during parse prsqry number of buffers for consistent read during parse prscu number of buffers for current read during parse prsmis number of misses in library cache during parse execnt number of execute was called execpu cpu time spent executing exeela elapsed time executing exedsk number of disk reads during execute exeqry number of buffers for consistent read during execute execu number of buffers for current read during execute exerow number of rows processed during execute exemis number of library cache misses during execute fchcnt number of times fetch was called fchcpu cpu time spent fetching fchela elapsed time fetching fchdsk number of disk reads during fetch fchqry number of buffers for consistent read during fetch fchcu number of buffers for current read during fetch fchrow number of rows fetched userid userid of user that parsed the cursor

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Agora vou mostrar um processo que está sendo rastreado e iremos acompanhar o processo do tkprof em seguida:

Tramadol Prescriptions Online SQL> drop table t purge; drop table t purge * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist SQL> create table t as select * from dba_objects; Table created. SQL> select count(1) from t; COUNT(1) ---------- 17586 SQL> select count(1) from t where object_name = 'TABLE'; COUNT(1) ---------- 1 SQL> select count(1) from t where object_TYPE ='TABLE'; COUNT(1) ---------- 1915 SQL> DROP TABLE T PURGE; Table dropped. Finalizado a minha sessão o trace foi encerrado, posso rodar o TKPROF utilizando a opção RECORD:

go to site tkprof record=meussqls.txt output=meutrace.txt trace=rsrac1_ora_18906_rafa.trc TKPROF: Release - Development on Thu Jan 10 17:35:09 2013 Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Tramadol Illegal Order Online Agora vendo o arquivo meussqls.txt, deverá conter a sequencia acima dos comandos efetuados: [oracle@rsrac11g1 trace]$ cat meussqls.txt drop table t purge ; create table t as select * from dba_objects ; select count(1) from t ; select count(1) from t where object_name = 'TABLE' ; select count(1) from t where object_TYPE ='TABLE' ; DROP TABLE T PURGE ; [oracle@rsrac11g1 trace]$

Tramadol Online Uk Essa opção RECODR, está disponivel desde a versão Oracle 7.

Oracle 11g:…/sqltrace.htm#PFGRF94987
Oracle 10g:…/sqltrace.htm#sthref1517
Oracle 9i:…/sqltrace.htm#1256
Oracle 8i:…/ch14_str.htm#1256
Oracle 7:…/stracea.gif

%name RECORD uma caracteristica do TKPROF

Autor: Rafael Stoever

click Bacharel em Sistema de Informação pela Uniasselvi, atualmente cursando Gerenciamento de Projetos em TI pela Pós Graduação Uniasselvi. Atuo como Analista de suporte a banco de dados – DBA pela Lumina Serviços em TI residente de Blumenau/ SC, OPN Certified Specialist, Certificado OCP 10g/11g/12c, OCE RAC10g e Linux 10g. Conhecimentos em Microsoft SqlSever, Mysql e programação web (php,asp).