source Neste artigo, será realizado o processo de instalação de um novo Database Home (Oracle Database em um ODA X7-2 S. Posteriormente, também será efetuada a criação de uma nova instancia. [root@tst-oda-db bin]# /opt/oracle/dcs/bin/odacli describe-component System Version --------------- Component Installed Version Available Version ---------------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- OAK up-to-date GI up-to-date DB { [ OraDB12201_home1,OraDB12201_home3, up-to-date OraDB12201_home4 ] [ OraDB12102_home1 ] up-to-date } DCSAGENT up-to-date ILOM up-to-date BIOS 41021300 up-to-date OS 6.9 up-to-date FIRMWARECONTROLLER QDV1RE14 up-to-date [root@tst-oda-db bin]# [root@tst-oda-db ~]# cd /opt/oracle/oak/bin [root@tst-oda-db bin]# ./odaadmcli show env_hw BM ODA X7-2 Small [root@tst-oda-db bin]# # pwd /opt [root@tst-oda-db opt]# ls -ltr /opt/ -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4181332041 Jul 6 03:44 /opt/ [root@tst-oda-db opt]# ls -ltr /opt/ -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4181332041 Jul 6 03:44 /opt/ [root@tst-oda-db opt]# /opt/oracle/dcs/bin/odacli update-repository -f /opt/; sleep 120 { "jobId" : "4784f226-e2e9-4988-9a92-125cbcf6fc21", "status" : "Created", "message" : "/opt/", "reports" : [ ], "createTimestamp" : "December 18, 2018 11:53:04 AM AMT", "resourceList" : [ ], "description" : "Repository Update", "updatedTime" : "December 18, 2018 11:53:04 AM AMT" }
Can You Order Tramadol Online Legally [root@tst-oda-db bin]# /opt/oracle/dcs/bin/odacli list-jobs ID Description Created Status ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ---------- 4b26f49f-205f-44c7-9dfe-8c5af207398c Repository Update October 25, 2018 8:57:46 AM AMT Success 9ea6f6d4-a894-4c09-a47c-5154d20a92db Repository Update October 25, 2018 9:01:35 AM AMT Success a39ef460-bae4-4912-b07f-5987d42dd576 Storage Firmware Patching October 25, 2018 9:03:51 AM AMT Success 4b8d0b2e-1eb9-41a2-ab4a-e1896c8ee981 Server Patching October 25, 2018 9:05:41 AM AMT Success 01aff8cd-47c2-4520-9939-b7e8915cd851 Repository Update October 25, 2018 9:29:45 AM AMT Success dac52df3-c128-4a72-a534-260727da669f Network service Deletion with name btbond1 and with id 62cc9363-841b-4fbf-8fc0-6c66310cf460 October 25, 2018 9:50:23 AM AMT Success b112bc81-df74-4404-86e0-2eccb89b158c Provisioning service creation October 25, 2018 10:38:52 AM AMT Success e6418eac-fbec-4ede-876f-dc048312e437 Database service creation with db name: CDBCURR November 1, 2018 7:43:34 AM AMT Success 917c2ee5-27d4-4455-97dc-25c61869b0c1 Database service deletion with db name: CDBCURR with id : 01bc5c4e-8302-47b9-89a2-86748c5b2e2e November 1, 2018 8:01:09 AM AMT Success 68c45799-52eb-450a-b332-fa85a0f84b44 Database service creation with db name: CDBCURR November 1, 2018 8:05:49 AM AMT Success 37b134ce-d9b8-45bc-8d4a-97d9bc79dc0b Database service deletion with db name: CDBCURR with id : 26bd7aaa-699d-4803-9346-ee3b43bede57 November 1, 2018 8:42:14 AM AMT Success 925e7782-035d-4f87-8cea-5fadfbab258e Database service creation with db name: CDBCURR November 1, 2018 10:21:14 AM AMT Success 744a9821-1223-4e9d-a138-bde440cf3684 Database service creation with db name: CDBNCI November 1, 2018 10:36:36 AM AMT Success 57c0118e-75c3-420b-adfc-12838d4419d0 Server Patching November 6, 2018 10:11:59 AM AMT Success 81db2597-6a4b-454d-95ef-689aa6f057f9 Database service creation with db name: TASY November 6, 2018 10:57:00 AM AMT Success dd9b7310-2fe6-4eea-a2a4-e0d27530132e Database service creation with db name: CDBHOMOL December 10, 2018 2:41:57 PM AMT Success 4784f226-e2e9-4988-9a92-125cbcf6fc21 Repository Update December 18, 2018 11:53:04 AM AMT Success ac0bffa4-2528-4c90-87f4-a8d18bc90a3a Database Home OraDB12102_home1 creation with version : December 20, 2018 8:49:59 AM AMT Success d8ee208f-b560-4bd7-b450-1851df565338 Database service deletion with db name: TASY with id : 26b6dab4-f82b-4223-bd1a-10caf01ef114 December 20, 2018 9:00:29 AM AMT Success f8e1e008-5797-4140-bf41-0e6c472f716f Database service creation with db name: tasy December 20, 2018 9:45:30 AM AMT Success 30fc40e3-ced0-4d62-97ae-95b4ea5c17e9 Database service deletion with db name: tasy with id : 96c92544-5ba0-434d-9103-7a3e1b3e027f December 20, 2018 11:41:55 AM AMT Success 5b85b23c-e9d5-418e-8bb8-a83ac66bc3d0 Database service creation with db name: TASY December 20, 2018 11:49:11 AM AMT Success fd689c56-9691-4cb4-affe-0b7adac6c7f6 Database service deletion with db name: TASY with id : 5c6af8d9-2084-49d7-b5f8-f4c61019bb14 December 20, 2018 12:10:17 PM AMT Success 73cae1fe-8d4d-4490-9400-3fdfe2e46627 Database service creation with db name: TASY December 20, 2018 12:14:38 PM AMT Success [root@tst-oda-db bin]#

go to site Também podemos acompanhar o status clicando no link gerado quando for confirmada a criação do database.
go to link

Autor: Jhonata Lamim
source url MBA em Banco de Dados Oracle, formado pelo Centro Universitário de Araraquara (UNIARA), graduado em Sistemas de Informação pelo Centro Universitário de Brusque (UNIFEBE). Atua com Banco de Dados Oracle desde Junho de 2010. Atualmente é DBA Senior na Exímio Soluções em TI (
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